Monday, June 19, 2017

Route 66, Day 6

Thursday (Grants, NM to Winslow, AZ) (Oct 6th, 2016)

***(click on photos to enlarge for better detail!)***

Another gorgeous day!  I couldn't have asked for better weather for this journey!
Getting ready to head out to Winslow Arizona.  Will meet up with Liz after I get settled in there.    This motel isn't the ritz at all but the bed is super comfy and great pillows so that helped me sleep better.  Lola is hiding under the bed now.  Luckily they are normal beds and I have her leash attached to her harness so I can just grab that and pull her out!   
There were several birds that landed in the little tree outside my room last night and started "singing".  It sounded like 10 different kinds of birds tho!  A whole chorus going on!  It was very pretty and they started singing again this morning. Sounded like I was in the Amazon!   Have never heard those "songs" before so will have to ask at the front desk if they know what kind of birds they are.  It was dark out so didn't get a very good look at them but they looked kind of black in color.  
Two more "sleeps" as the Native Americans used to say, before getting "home" and settled in.  
Will be nice to be able to sleep in and relax for a week or so before getting back into the work mode.  I can tell I am getting worn out from the driving and stress (even tho it has been fun so far). 

I am standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona! Or, at least I was about an hour ago! Lol! Met up with a WomenRV forum friend here tonight and she bought me dinner. Thanks Liz! We did some photos at the "corner". They even have a red flat bed truck parked there!
Another perfect weather day! Upper 60's and sunny. Beautiful red sandstone mesas along the way. Stopped in Gallup NM for some Route 66 photo ops and then went on to Holbrook, AZ for more pics. Stopped at the Wigwam Motel where you can spend the night in a Tee Pee! In front of each teepee is an old classic car. Took lots of pics there.
Stopped at some Indian Trading Posts along the freeway and then stopped at the Petrified Forest Nat'l Park. Just stopped at the visitors center since I didn't have time to drive thru or hike any of it. Bought a little chunk of petrified wood there.
Lola was good today and slept the whole way. Gained another hour with the time zone change into Arizona.
Tomorrow, on to Prescott, AZ and then to Chandler on Saturday morning.

Old Route 66 motels in Grants, NM

Old diner

This place fixed radiators

Los Alamitos Motel.

Just east of Gallup, NM

More cool scenery


Motels in Gallup, NM

 Blue Spruce Lodge

 This place is way cool and has a lot of history with many famous people having stayed here!

Absolutely gorgeous inside!

The lobby

They have photos hanging all over the walls of the many movie stars who stayed here.

Not sure what this building is but is really cool looking!

Stopped at the Petrified Forest Visitor Center in Arizona.  I need to come back and explore the park.

Old gas station in Holbrook, AZ

Old abandoned motel, no sign

Famous café in Holbrook, AZ

Wigwam Motel in Holbrook

Wigwams with cool old cars!

Good deal on batteries!

 pretty run down!

The famous Jack Rabbit Trading Post, now a museum and gift shop

Wanted a pic of me sitting on the rabbit but there was no one around to take it.

pieces of petrified wood out front of the Jack Rabbit Trading Post and some murals

The radiator water bag used to drive thru the desert

An old abandoned campground near Winslow, AZ
                                A playground for the campground.  There were also a few rotting picnic tables and what looked like old electrical boxes for the campsites.

On the corner in Winslow, Arizona

notice the red flatbed truck in the window

This is a new statue of the guy who wrote the song

                                                   Another interesting scene in the window (apparently he got together with the gal in the flatbed truck...)

And there is a red flatbed truck parked on the street out front
Gift shop across the street playing Eagles music

This is a cool historic hotel in Winslow

Liz and I eating at a local diner.

The visitor center in an old general store or trading post

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