Tuesday, September 16, 2014

North Shore trip, Sept 2014

I decided to post this on my old blog (which mysteriously vanished awhile back).  This way I can post more photos, than I can on the forum...

I left on Tuesday after work. It was cool and cloudy but no rain all the way up. Just made two stops, one for dinner and one at a Visitor Center just north of Duluth. Wanted to get to the cabin before dark. The drive from Duluth along the shores of Lake Superior is gorgeous! The road winds around the shoreline of rocky cliffs jutting out into the lake. Got to the cabin around 7pm. The cabin was really cute and cozy.

A real log cabin! Overlooking a beautiful high waterfall on the Cross River in Schroeder, MN!

You can see the waterfall on the right.
This is the river from the other side of the bridge

My cabin is at the top of the cliff towards the right.

The next morning, I headed inland to Ely, about a 2 hour drive, but it took me longer because I took some back roads that were (red) gravel. It had rained over an inch overnight so the roads were all wet and muddy. My Jeep looks like I have been off-roading! Covered in red mud!

  I went that way instead of the main Hwy 61 since the highway was all torn up with road construction and lots of delays with only one lane open.

The back roads were beautiful with the maple trees turning colors (the only place I saw any maples up there)

  and small creeks and waterfalls that I stopped to take pics of.  Also looked for moose in the wetlands areas but didn't see any. Took me longer going that way but worth it!

It started to rain a little in Ely and was cold there. Went to the North American Bear Center which was very impressive. Got to see two of their 4 resident bears.

This is Honey, still losing last years winter coat.

This is Lucky.  Ted and Holly didn't show up for their treats.

This is the only moose I saw

  Lots of great information about bears.

This is the place that set up the live den cams during the past several winters of their research bear, Lily, who gave birth to little Hope, and some others. Took a walk in the woods around the grounds before heading back into town to do some shopping. Headed back to the cabin and took the main highway that time. Saw some deer crossing the road, including a doe and fawn. Got back before dark and took a walk down to the lake. The wind was strong all day and the waves were huge! They were crashing big-time on the rocks and it looked like an ocean!  ! 

 Part of the beach was getting washed out and there were fragments of what once was a picnic table (the day before) strewn across the shore. Very powerful stuff!

Was awesome to see and listen to! Took lots of pics and video!
(never mind this video, it wouldn't load and I can't get rid of it)

On Thursday, I took a walk along the beach by the cabin, looking for agates. Found a few little ones and a large geode that was open. Hollow inside and lined with crystals. Very pretty!  

Small plants growing on the rocks

The story about the cross above...
More cabins overlooking Lake Superior
an eagle

Then I drove up to Grand Marais, not too far from the Canadian Border and a very cute touristy town. One of the gateways to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. 

 The Grand Marais harbor
 Did some shopping at the places my mom and I used to shop at. Bought some fudge and walked around the beach. The waves were still pretty strong but not as bad as the day before. The beaches are cobblestone, so it is kind of like walking on marbles! 

Occasionally, while I was looking down for agates, a large wave would come up and I would jump back and fall on the rocks. Have some bumps and bruises from that! Got my feet wet a few times! :roll: The water is only about 40 degrees, so nothing you want to swim in!

One the way back, I stopped at Cascade River State Park (where I was planning to go camping in June) and hiked the trails along the river and several waterfalls there. Very pretty park!

a high foot bridge over the falls

Stopped at Lutsen Lodge (there is a ski resort here) where the Poplar River enters Lake Superior.  There is a neat red covered walking bridge across the mouth of the river.


From there I stopped at Temperance River State Park and walked the trails up along the river to the many awesome waterfalls! Really amazing! Deep gorges carved thru the rocks! Lots of climbing steep stairs, trails and rocks, but worth it! I was pretty much by myself there.
 This is "Hidden Falls" that goes thru a deep gorge and can barely be seen thru the rocks.
Lots of stone steps up and down, along the river
This is how the cauldrons or potholes are made
Here is a large one made over many decades or more


Here it empties out into Lake Superior
After leaving there, I stopped at a couple other beaches to look for agates.  The waves piled up the rocks and drift wood high on the beaches. 

Found this guy just looking up at me!  So I took him home!

On Friday, I headed back down to Duluth. Had plans to stop at a lot more places than I actually ended up having time for. Didn't get to Tettegouche State Park as planned, but found this waterfall from a short hike off a side road.

My next destination was Gooseberry Falls State Park. Those waterfalls are awesome!


This newer bridge has a foot bridge right below the highway.

You can see where the other falls drops in the middle of this photo, and can also see Lake Superior beyond.

 Hiked down to the lake there and found some tiny agates on the beach there. 
 Stopped at a couple more beaches and then in Two Harbors for dinner before getting to Duluth for the night. The motel I stayed at was nothing to write home about... 
Stopped at the Duluth Zoo this morning for a bit before heading home. 
Butt shot of the kangaroos

Here kitty, kitty...

Had a nice time on this trip. The Lambs Resort I stayed at was wonderful! Took way too many photos of all the waterfalls I saw! I would like to do this trip again next spring when there is more water in the rivers flowing. And see the many other State Parks I didn't get to this time. You almost need a couple days at each park to really see and experience it all.
Here are some misc photos I took...
Lots of these daisies along the roads all over.